Upcoming events by ‘The Ultimate Challenge’

by Seever Krozendijk

Aki ta sigui e eventonan segun e calendario di TUC pa 2023.

Tierra del Sol Cross Country (1 Oktober),  Ladies Run & Walk ( 5 November) y Legend Richard Rodriguez Road Race (10 Dec)

Pa cu e caredanan di The Ultimate Challenge lo aplica e  ‘Competition, Technical and classification Rules di World Athletics’.

Aki ta sigui algun regla di importancia. Bo posicion na start, lo coresponde cu un color di bo pace. No lo permiti wheelchairs ( Assisted Push Runner & Wheelchair racing) sali cu e grupo di coredornan. Pa un persona cu un limitacion manera ‘visual impaired’ or blind e mester ser guia pa un otro coredor (Sighted Guide) y e mester tin un vest cu ta indica cu e ta e ‘guide’ y lo mester haci uso di un ‘Running Tether.’

Pa cu e regla di start y finish un careda, no lo start y termina ningun careda net prome of despues di un bocht.


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297 Sports is a sport news website based in Aruba – 297 is the country code. We cover all domestic – and international sport news where Arubans are involved. 297 Sports is the leading provider of sport news in Aruba. It is run by Seever Krozendijk. Contact us for news coverage or for advertising on our website.


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