Den un anuncio riba su pagina social, e medayista Centro Americano y del Caribe y medayista Sur-Americano, Malik Hoveling a tuma e desicion di no continua cu e deporte competitivo pa loke ta sailing disciplina IQ-Fiol. Mas cu claro, Malik lo sigui cu e deporte di sailing pero den forma mas recreativo y lo sigui aporta di traspasa su conocimento na otronan hobennan den e deporte.
Di nos banda nos kier a desea Malik Hoveling tur clase di exito y kier a yame su persona un danki di curason pa semper representa Aruba dignamente den exterior como un atleta ehemplar y cu exito.
Esaki ta loke Malik mes a anuncia riba su pagina;
The end of one chapter but the beginning of a new one!
Halfway through the 2023 season, I found myself overtrained. The relentless drive to win, coupled with the excessive weight gain needed to perform in the IQ-Foil class, led me into a vicious cycle.
I didn’t get into windsurfing or competing for the sake of winning, but because I loved the feeling of freedom it brought, the ability it gave me to push myself day in day out, that moment when everything else fades away on the water.
Turning professional allowed me to do this full-time for nearly 14 years, but now that feeling has faded.
I often wonder how this came to be – perhaps due to overtraining or an inevitable consequence of a sport in which the athlete needs to be 92kg plus in order to perform. Something that my body did not tolerate and did not feel right. I could no longer bike, run, train as much unless I ate an absurd amount of calories every day and for me that took it’s toll and it took away what it meant to be an athlete for me.
After a lot of thinking and talks I have decided to step away from competitive windsurfing , IQ-Foiling. I will still continue windsurfing the way I started it, just for fun and a slalom competition here and there!
I have always had a big passion for triathlon which only grew the past few years, so I will pursue that passion as well as starting a business.
I will still support the entire IQ-Foil team that we have built to the fullest to give other young windsurfers and kids on Aruba the chance to follow their passion.
I look back at an incredible career and met friends for life, visited places I would never have had the chance to visit and learned an insane amount. I would like to truly thank everyone single one of you that supported and believed in me along the way, Comite Olympico, my sponsors, coaches, friends and my family who gave me all the opportunities. I would not have gotten this far without my mom who pours everything she has into giving me and all sailing and windsurfing athlete’s on Aruba the chance to practice their sport.
I’m not quitting being an athlete, simply changing directions and more excited and motivated then ever for what’s ahead!