Diasabra riba e prome dia di e 50th IFBB and Central American and Caribbean Championships den e deporte di bodybuilding teni na Aruba Marriott Hotel, e federacion mundial a reconoce e gran labor di secretaria general di COA y vice presidente di IOC, sra. Nicole Hoevertsz. Den e prestigioso ballroom di Aruba Mariott, e presidente di IFBB, Dr. Rafael Santoja a otorga na sra. Hoevertsz e asina yama “IFBB Medal of Honor”.
‘For her outstanding and invaluable support to the sports of Fitness and Bodybuilding and to healthy lifestyle on the occasion of the 2023 IFBB Central American and Caribbean Championships & Congress in Aruba. With great respect and deep appreciation’.
Mester bisa aserca cu varios otro personanan den e mundo di body building tambe a haya e merecido reconocimento pa nan aporte na e deporte di bodybuilding
Pabien Nicole cubo medal of honor.