‘Tierra del Sol Cross Country’ Powered by The Ultimate Challenge

by Seever Krozendijk

Diadomingo 1 oktober di 2023, The Ultimate Challenge lo tin su prome edicion di e ‘Tierra del Sol Cross Country Event’ sponsored by Tierra del Sol & SUBWAY.

Aki ta sigui e categorianan segun e ‘World Athletics Competition and Technical Rules’

  • Men (8K) *
  • Junior Men (8k) U20
  • Women (8K)
  • Junior Women (6K) U20
  • Boys Youth (6K) U18
  • Girls Youth (4K) U18

Diadomingo, 17 september lo tin un dia di orientacion encuanto e ruta na Tierra del Sol y ta spera e coredornan pa 6:15 am pa un ‘briefing’ y pa 6:30 am lo start cu e orientacion di e ruta. Pa cu esaki, bo mester sign up !

E sign up ta bai atraves di bo coach/Club pa ‘The Ultimate Challenge Team’ na 7328428 y  lo tin e oportunidad pa sign up te cu diabierna, 15 september di 2023 pa 7:00 p.m. E coach/Club lo ricibi e link pa e evento aki. 


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297 Sports is a sport news website based in Aruba – 297 is the country code. We cover all domestic – and international sport news where Arubans are involved. 297 Sports is the leading provider of sport news in Aruba. It is run by Seever Krozendijk. Contact us for news coverage or for advertising on our website.


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