Landado Anahi Schreuders a pone un punto final na su carera den landamento

by Seever Krozendijk

Awe landado Anahi Schreuders a manda un carta pa coach Ismael, AAF y COA in formando nan di su desicion tuma. Aunke un desicion no facil pero sigur contento cu semper por a representa Aruba den forma digno unda cu e la bay.  Anahi sin duda tabata un di Aruba su top-landadonan cu a bishita scol na Merca unda e la combina su estudio y su deporte. E la representa nos dushi isla den numeroso ocasion y semper a sa na presta como un tremendo atleta ehemplar. Anahi ta ruma di Mikel Schreuders cu ta Aruba su top landado.

Nos di 297sports kier a gradici Anahi pa tur su anjanan cu e la laga nos disfruta di su talento, un excepcional. 

Den su carta di despedida e la bisa asina ki.

Dear Coach Ismael, AAF, and COA,

After a lot of thought and consideration I have decided to end my career with swimming. This was not an easy decision but after a lot of thought I have decided that this was the best decision for me, and to start with the next step in life. I want to thank everyone who had helped me through all the years that I have been swimming in Aruba. I am very proud to have represented Aruba at different national and international meets, bringing back medals and having two national records in my name. I want to thank Coach Ismael personally for helping me develop into the best swimmers that I could be and bringing me to a higher level of swimming representing Aruba at CAC, Youth Olympics, and World championships. Thank you to AAF and COA for all the opportunities you have given me and help develop into a better swimmer.


Anahi Schreuders

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297 Sports is a sport news website based in Aruba – 297 is the country code. We cover all domestic – and international sport news where Arubans are involved. 297 Sports is the leading provider of sport news in Aruba. It is run by Seever Krozendijk. Contact us for news coverage or for advertising on our website.


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