Islanders Cycling Team a keda funda

by Seever Krozendijk

Diabierna 23 juni 2023, un dia hopi special pa Islanders Cycling Team cu officialmente a keda funda door di Notario Johnson. E team a lanta 18 september 2021.

E team ta activo na caredanan di Mountain Biking, Road biking y Triathlon.
Team ta motiva hoben pa practica e deporte di ciclismo y pronto lo cuminsa organisa nan propio actividadnan.

Directiva di Stichting Islanders Cycling Team ta:
1. Presidente – Richard Trimon
2. Vice-presidente – Rodney de Cuba
3. Tesorero – Reugène Kock
4. Secretario – Remy de Lange

Un pabien na Islanders Cycling Team

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