Colegio Arubano a gana e 3.5km Teen Trail Run 2023 pa scolnan secundario

by Seever Krozendijk
Diasabra atardi a tuma lugar e Teen Trail Run 2023 edicion number 3 organisa pa The Ultimate Challenge pa scolnan avansa.  Den team di 4, e alumnonan mester a sali tras di otro rumbo Spaans Lagoen y becindario. E careda a inicia y caba den e area di Drive Inn.  Scolnan participante tabata EPB O’stad (5 team), EPB SN (1 Team), Filomena College (2 Team), Colegio Sant Antonio (2 Team), Sint Augustinus (1 team), Maria College (2 team), Colegio Arubano O’Stad (2 Team), Abraham de Veer (2 Team), SPO Sta. Cruz (1 Team) y IBERO (2 Team).

Pa loke ta e resultado final nos tin;

Mucha homber

1. Colegio Arubano 

2. EPB San Nicolas

3. Filomena College Mavo

Mix relay

1. EPB Oranjestad

2. EPB Oranjestad

Mucha muher

1. Colegio San Antonio 

Un palabra di pabien na tur e scolnan participante, e organisadornan, e boluntarionan cu a yuda e atardi aki y por ultimo esnan cu e cay den premiacion

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