Careda I love BMX tabata un exito total

by Jessica Krozendijk

Recientemente Speedworx BMX Team a organisa nan careda cu yama I Love BMX y mas cu claro e tabata un exito total.

Aki ta sigui e resultado den e diferente categorianan:
1. Lucas Justina SW
2. Jacobo Werleman SPW
3. Gerriene Werleman San Fuego

7-8 novice
1. Argion Ridderstap SPW
2. Aijon Jarzagaray SPW
3. Zaidyen Danker CTD

9 and up novice
1. Zane Croes SPW
2. Ashton Ohab SPW
3. Xyzion Kock SPW

Happy Kids
1.Lucas Justina SW
2.Jacobo Werleman SPW
3.Kijano Bremo

6-7 Challenge
1. Jackson Kock SPW
2. John Philip Merryweather CTD

8 Challenge
1. Tharel Simon SPW
2. Thericson Ruiz RR
3. Noah Arends Tribike

9-10 Challenge
1. Kailen Wouters RR
2. Ismael Silva SPW
3. Jorgen de Cuba CTD

11-12 Challenge
1. Zion Angela SW
2. Jayrick de Cuba RR

13 -18 Challenge
1. Kijani Diaz VCT
2. Jaydel Carrasquero SW
3. Keanu Robert SPW

19-20 Challenge
1. Anuar Howell VCT
2. Tirzah Regales CTD

21 up Challenge
1. Feddison Flanders VCT

Pabien na tur participante!

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