Aruba Triathlon Association a clausura nan aña deportivo cu OFF ROAD DUATHLON na Bushiribana 

by Seever Krozendijk
Diadomingo mainta Aruba Triathlon Association a tene nan ultimo actividad pa loke ta e aña deportivo 2023. E bunita area di Bushiribana ta na unda e off raod duathlon  wordo teni. 
Por a competi den Super Sprint cu mester a bay 2.2K RUN – 7.2K MTB – 1.3K RUN mientras esnan cu a bay Sprint mester a completa 4.4K RUN – 14.4K MTB – 2.6K RUN
Nos tin e resultadonan mas potret di premiacion.

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297 Sports is a sport news website based in Aruba – 297 is the country code. We cover all domestic – and international sport news where Arubans are involved. 297 Sports is the leading provider of sport news in Aruba. It is run by Seever Krozendijk. Contact us for news coverage or for advertising on our website.


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