Weganan di Interleague 5/6 y 7/8 a continua

by Seever Krozendijk

Weekend tras di lomba tawata e ultimo round di interleague 5/6 & 7/8.
Pa asina determina cua te e liga nan cu lo bai final dia 24 juni proximo na pos chikito.

Diasabra i diadomingo wega nan a continua na veld di T.L. unda cu tur presente por a disfruta di 4 bon wega.

Aki ta sigi e resultado nan di weekend :

5/6 South vs Center : 20 – 04 MVP : Erzon Hernandis / Zi-Zirich Gomez
7/8 South vs Center : 05 – 06 MVP : Jayden Henriquez / Erzhyon Montero

5/6 North vs Center : 25 – 06 MVP : Elizion Eckmeyer / Gian lucca la Chica Torres
7/8 North vs Center : 14 – 09 MVP : Jayden Croes / Amazayah Arrindel

Sigiente weekend nos tin e gran final dia 24 juni na pos chikito.
Unda cu e gran final lo wordo hunga entre :

5/6 NL vs SL pa 09:00
7/8 NL vs CL pa 11:00

Despues di e final lo bai tin HR derby, Base running i tambe target throw pa e muchanan di tur organisacion di aruba.
I ora esaki finalisa tur muchanan cu a participa den e interleague 2023 lo ricibi nan medalla i tambe nan certificado di participacion na e interleague 2023.

Pabien na tur e muchanan cu durante e 3 weekend nan anterior a sa di hasi nan maximo esfuerso pero tambe e mayornan pa bin apoya nan.

Danki na nos sponser nan Mario’s sportshop, Malta balashi I tambe e 3 liga nan pa hasi esaki posibel.

I tambe un danki na tur e media deportivo nan cu ta cubri e wega nan i tambe informa e pueblo over e wega nan.

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297 Sports is a sport news website based in Aruba – 297 is the country code. We cover all domestic – and international sport news where Arubans are involved. 297 Sports is the leading provider of sport news in Aruba. It is run by Seever Krozendijk. Contact us for news coverage or for advertising on our website.


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