Tur cos ta cla pa e MetaFit walk and run 2023 cu lo tuma lugar 2 di juli

by Seever Krozendijk

MetaFit su Caminata ta bek, organisoor di un grupo di empleado di Comite di MetaFit, sigur cu yen entusiasmo pa trese evento aki pa nos comunidad. Compania MetaCorp ta kere ta den promove un bida saludable incorporando actividad manera esun aki MetaFit Walk and Run 2023  den nos empleadonan. A cuminsa di 2 siman pasa cu e reto MetaFit caminda cu empleado nan ta bini hunto na diferente sitio pa train algun distancia nan manera 5 km, 6km, 7km, preparando pa nos evento final “MetaFit WALK & RUN 2023”, un 5km, 10km, 15km evento cu lo ta tumando lugar ariba July 2, na Gloria cuminsando 5:30am cu e 15km.

Nos tin un tremendo ruta cuminsando cu e 5k cu ta sali for di Gloria parking lot subi Avenida Nelson Oduber, bai direction superfood, pasa retonde di superfood, i lora halverwege (koyari) riba Avenida Nelson Oduber bek pa Gloria. E 10km cu ta Sali for di Gloria, subi Avenida Nelson Oduber, bai rotonde Guardian, despues bai te rotonde di Palm Beach/ Wendy’s i ta bin bek riba Avenida Nelson Oduber caba na Gloria y e 15km cu ta sali for di gloria, subi Avenida Nelson Oduber, bai rotonde Guardian, despues bai poko despues di Fishermen’s Hut i lora bini bek Gloria (for di Avenida Nelson Oduber).


Tambe nos tin careda nan pa mucha cuminsando cu edad di 4 anja te cu 12 anja y tambe pa hoben nan di 13 anja pa 16 anja cu distancia nan cuminsando di 200 meter te cu 1.5 km.

Riba dia di nos evento final lo nos tin tremendo door prize nan pa nos participante nan.  Pa ta eligible pa gana e premio nan aki bo mester a cana y ta presente na momento di anuncia e premio nan.

Prize 1: 1-year Ecotech Toter Service Subscription

Prize 2: APEX Gift Card (AWG 500,-)

Prize 3: Tropical Bottling Bundle (Value 500,-)

Prize 4: 1 year The Movies Pass for two (once a week)

Prize 5: Week-Stay for two at Marriot (GRAND PRIZE)

Finalmente nos ta invita tur hende pa pasa na  Gloria riba diahuebs 1 di juni 2023, pa registra y paga pa e evento aki y asina ricibi bo tshirt, bib, y goodies. Lo ta ofreciendo tur cu registra y paga pa e MetaFit Walk and Run un cupon di 25% di discuento pa come na Gloria riba e dia aki, valido unicamemte pa 1 di june 2023. Nos ta invita tur empleado, comunidad y muchanan bin participa den MetaFit Walk & Run 2023. Nos ta warda bo!


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297 Sports is a sport news website based in Aruba – 297 is the country code. We cover all domestic – and international sport news where Arubans are involved. 297 Sports is the leading provider of sport news in Aruba. It is run by Seever Krozendijk. Contact us for news coverage or for advertising on our website.


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